Nearby METAR Reports


EGNR - Hawarden (aut), United Kingdom
Distance from station: ESE 33mi, 53km
Updated: 21/12/2024 13:50
Nearby showers, Mostly cloudy
Nearby showers, Mostly cloudy
 Wind from W
Wind: W 16 mph, 26 km/h, Gust: 28 mph, 44 km/h
Temperature: 11°C
Dew Point: 2°C
Humidity: 54%
Barometer: 1006 hPa
Summary: Nearby Showers
Clouds: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 6 miles, 10 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 671 m
Mostly cloudy 1463 m
2024/12/21 13:50 EGNR 211350Z 28014G24KT 240V310 9999 VCSH FEW022 BKN048 11/02 Q1006
EGOV - Valley Raf, United Kingdom
Distance from station: W 33mi, 53km
Updated: 21/12/2024 13:50
Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
 Wind from W
Wind: W 24 mph, 39 km/h
Temperature: 10°C
Wind Chill: 6°C
Dew Point: 5°C
Humidity: 71%
Barometer: 1006 hPa
Clouds: Partly cloudy
Visibility: 6 miles, 10 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 975 m
Partly cloudy 2103 m
2024/12/21 13:50 EGOV 211350Z AUTO 26021KT 9999 FEW032/// SCT069/// 10/05 Q1006
EGGP - Liverpool Airpor, United Kingdom
Distance from station: E 37mi, 59km
Updated: 21/12/2024 13:50
Nearby showers, Partly cloudy
Nearby showers, Partly cloudy
 Wind from W
Wind: W 25 mph, 41 km/h, Gust: 38 mph, 61 km/h
Temperature: 9°C
Wind Chill: 4°C
Dew Point: 4°C
Humidity: 71%
Barometer: 1005 hPa
Summary: Nearby Showers
Clouds: Partly cloudy
Visibility: 6 miles, 10 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 853 m
Partly cloudy 1433 m
2024/12/21 13:50 EGGP 211350Z 28022G33KT 9999 VCSH FEW028 SCT047 09/04 Q1005
EGNH - Blackpool Airpor, United Kingdom
Distance from station: NE 44mi, 72km
Updated: 21/12/2024 13:50
Nearby showers, Partly cloudy
Nearby showers, Partly cloudy
 Wind from WNW
Wind: WNW 29 mph, 46 km/h
Temperature: 10°C
Wind Chill: 6°C
Dew Point: 5°C
Humidity: 71%
Barometer: 1003 hPa
Summary: Nearby Showers
Clouds: Partly cloudy
Visibility: 6 miles, 9 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 244 m
Partly cloudy 671 m
2024/12/21 13:50 EGNH 211350Z 29025KT 9000 VCSH FEW008 SCT022CB 10/05 Q1003
EGNO - Wharton, United Kingdom
Distance from station: NE 47mi, 76km
Updated: 20/12/2024 16:50
NOT Current
Few Clouds
Few Clouds
 Wind from WNW
Wind: WNW 13 mph, 20 km/h
Temperature: 8°C
Wind Chill: 4°C
Dew Point: 6°C
Humidity: 87%
Barometer: 1011 hPa
Clouds: Few Clouds
Visibility: 6 miles, 10 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 853 m
2024/12/20 16:50 EGNO 201650Z 29011KT 9999 FEW028 08/06 Q1011
EGOS - Shawbury Raf, United Kingdom
Distance from station: SE 56mi, 89km
Updated: 21/12/2024 13:50
 Wind from W
Wind: W 21 mph, 33 km/h
Temperature: 11°C
Dew Point: 5°C
Humidity: 67%
Barometer: 1005 hPa
Clouds: Overcast
Visibility: 6 miles, 10 km
Cloud details: Overcast 1250 m
2024/12/21 13:50 EGOS 211350Z AUTO 26018KT 9999 OVC041/// 11/05 Q1005
EGCC - Manchester Intl, United Kingdom
Distance from station: E 61mi, 98km
Updated: 21/12/2024 13:50
Nearby showers, Partly cloudy
Nearby showers, Partly cloudy
 Wind from W
Wind: W 15 mph, 24 km/h
Temperature: 10°C
Wind Chill: 7°C
Dew Point: 6°C
Humidity: 76%
Barometer: 1005 hPa
Summary: Nearby Showers
Clouds: Partly cloudy
Visibility: 6 miles, 10 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 671 m
Partly cloudy 975 m
2024/12/21 13:50 EGCC 211350Z 26013KT 9999 VCSH FEW022 SCT032 10/06 Q1005
EGNS - Isle Of Man/Rona, United Kingdom
Distance from station: NW 66mi, 107km
Updated: 21/12/2024 13:50
Mostly cloudy
Mostly cloudy
 Wind from W
Wind: W 28 mph, 44 km/h, Gust: 39 mph, 63 km/h
Temperature: 10°C
Wind Chill: 6°C
Dew Point: 2°C
Humidity: 58%
Barometer: 1003 hPa
Clouds: Mostly cloudy
Visibility: 6 miles, 10 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 762 m
Mostly cloudy 1097 m
2024/12/21 13:50 EGNS 211350Z 27024G34KT 9999 FEW025 BKN036 10/02 Q1003 NOSIG
EGNM - Leeds And Bradfo, United Kingdom
Distance from station: ENE 95mi, 153km
Updated: 21/12/2024 13:50
Nearby showers, Few clouds
Nearby showers, Few clouds
 Wind from W
Wind: W 41 mph, 67 km/h, Gust: 60 mph, 96 km/h
Temperature: 8°C
Wind Chill: 2°C
Dew Point: 4°C
Humidity: 76%
Barometer: 998 hPa
Summary: Nearby Showers
Clouds: Few Clouds
Visibility: 6 miles, 10 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 610 m
2024/12/21 13:50 EGNM 211350Z 26036G52KT 9999 VCSH FEW020 08/04 Q0998
EGBB - Birmingham Airpo, United Kingdom
Distance from station: ESE 100mi, 161km
Updated: 21/12/2024 13:50
Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
 Wind from W
Wind: W 16 mph, 26 km/h
Temperature: 12°C
Dew Point: 8°C
Humidity: 77%
Barometer: 1005 hPa
Clouds: Partly cloudy
Visibility: 6 miles, 10 km
Cloud details: Partly cloudy 335 m
2024/12/21 13:50 EGBB 211350Z 27014KT 9999 SCT011 12/08 Q1005